Previous Project
Net1's Payment System
With the Black Sash, I worked to open the "black box" of Net1's digital grant payment system. We found that Net1's technologies segregated South African grantees in an alternative banking system outside of public oversight. Within this segregated system, Net1 aggressively marketed loans and other financial products to grantees. Because of our findings, we successfully advocated for changes to the way grants are paid, bringing them from private to public control under the South African Post Office.
Advocacy Success
Making grant Payment public
Forthcoming: My book, Who Owes What to Whom: Cash Transfers as Racial Capitalism will be out in October 2025 with Duke University Press.
Read: My dissertation, Taken for Granted: Geographies of Debt and Welfare in South Africa, from University of California Berkeley.
Watch: Grant Grabs 3: The Green Card, which depicts the difficulties grantees experienced with EasyPay.
My Research in the Media
Read: My article The World Bank's Role in SA'S Grant Payment System in GroundUp, 23 March 2017.
Read: My article Sophia's Choice: Farmworker Must Decide Which Child to Feed in GroundUp, 15 March 2017.
Read: Ugo Gentilini's article Best Social Protection Papers of the Year on the World Bank's Blog, 19 December 2019.
Read: Chris Webb's article The Roots of the Current South African Crisis in Africa is a Country, 7 March 2017.
Listen: My interview with Kingsley Kipury Could 17 Million South Africans Loose their Grants on The Daily Maverick Podcast, 7 March 2017.